Liturgical Ministries Inquiry

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Thank you for your interest in serving in the Liturgical Ministries of Saint Matthew Catholic Church. As you can see below, there are a variety of ways that you can minister to your fellow parishioners in the liturgical life of this parish. Usually, what will happen after you submit this form is that someone from the pastoral team will contact you to follow up with a conversation about your interests and previous experiences. From this, we can better determine how to put your time and talent in motion to enhance the liturgical life of Saint Matthew. 

We thank you right now for putting your name forward as someone willing to serve in one of these ministries. May God continue to bless you as you discern how to be of service.

Altar Servers are young women and men in the fifth grade up through high school.  They assist the clergy in the Mass in many different ways.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) are confirmed members of the parish who are particularly trained and are commissioned by the Pastor to distribute the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.  

Homebound Ministers
are EMHCs who have been given special training and additional commission by the Pastor to bring the Blessed Sacrament to Catholics in our community through the Homebound Ministry.

Hospitality Ministers are usually the first ministers our parishioners and visitors see when they arrive to attend Mass.  The two aspects to this ministry are greeters who engage all who enter the church and ushers who assist in helping people find a seat, take up the collection, have orderly Communion, and respond to unusual situations.

Lectors are confirmed members of the parish who proclaim the Word of God during Mass and other liturgies.  Each Lector is given familiarization and regular assessment.

Liturgy Guild. The members of the Liturgy Guild assist the clergy with Funerals, Weddings, and other liturgies.

Weekday Mass are Lectors and EMHCs who assist the parish by serving at the weekday Mass as a lector, sacristan, or, on occasion, as an EMHC.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.


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